I would strongly advise everyone to check this out, if it's not for you then fine, but it's definitely worth a look. Click the link below to go directly there. Hurry do it now before the go live date, it's going to be MASSIVE!!
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Whilst checking out some money making ideas (check out cas4nowt) I came across a scheme that gives you your own money making website, it's gonna be HUGE I think, and it's due to go live soon. At the moment they are inviting people to sign up for the pre launch version for free and give them a chance to sort their own business out before the go live date so they are already up and running come the time. It's basically a new idea combining gaming for cash...Skills games, so it's not gambling, you can challenge your mates or anyone else online for that matter and you win if you are good at the game!! Social networking such as this site, Facebook, Myspace etc. And finally it has an instant message program built in so you can chat as you play. The instant messaging allows you to bring across your friends from most popular platforms such as AIM, Yahoo, Google and Live Messenger.
I would strongly advise everyone to check this out, if it's not for you then fine, but it's definitely worth a look. Click the link below to go directly there. Hurry do it now before the go live date, it's going to be MASSIVE!!
I would strongly advise everyone to check this out, if it's not for you then fine, but it's definitely worth a look. Click the link below to go directly there. Hurry do it now before the go live date, it's going to be MASSIVE!!
Thursday, 25 October 2007
I was surfing the net, as you do, when I came across an advert on somebodies website claiming this new system will get you a million more visitors, so being my sceptical self I thought I'd look into it, it was at this time that I came across another site, (a very interesting one too) these guys basically try out money making schemes and record the results telling the avid reader what is good and what is not so good, they even name and shame scammers!! Check them out here. Anyway they had a little piece on this scheme, and as they said, you have nothing to loose it's a free scheme, if it doesn't work you haven't lost anything and if it does, well standby for all the traffic!! Click here to get 1 Million Guaranteed Real Visitors, FREE!
Monday, 22 October 2007
Six Second Abs

Well it's been a busy week this week and I haven't really had the time to post anything, I have however still managed the time to drag out the old MyGym for my workouts, and it still feels great! I've also managed to find my six second abs machine so I'll be dusting that off this week and putting it to good use. Despite a busy schedule a bad diet and a night out on the lash I have remained at the same weight and body fat as the week before, not brilliant but not all doom and gloom.
Monday, 15 October 2007
At last, My X ray!
Sunday, 14 October 2007
End of Week Two
OK so that's the end of week 2 and despite the fact I have had 2 curry's and a pizza this week I've managed to drop 2% body fat so now I'm down to 15%. However I have gained 1 1/2 pounds, so by using the mygym and mixing up my training it would appear that I have gained 1 1/2 pounds of lean muscle... Happy days, more importantly I am feeling a lot fitter, healthier and much more motivated, to carry out normal every day tasks as well as the training. I'm also happier with what I'm seeing in the mirror, so not only are the figures on the scales more pleasing so is my appearance... All this with a broken leg!! I think if I'm getting results like this without proper cardio vascular training I will continue to incorporate this system into a more rigorous training routine once I'm back on my feet and fully recovered, it'll definitely be playing a massive part of my rehabilitation.
Thursday, 11 October 2007
I've just been browsing away like you do, and stumbled across a site called squidoo. This site looks pretty mega and really quite addictive, basically you create something called a lens, this gives you the opportunity to share your interests or expertise, even hire out your services.. Other great features are it's free, easy and there seems to be money making opportunities to be had this includes a modest but obtainable referral service, you get your mates to join and when they reach $15 you BOTH get an extra $5 each, winner or should that be winners?? I will be looking into this in more detail over the next few days and I'll post opinions on my other blog, I'm pretty sure I'll be using them as one of my money making efforts. For those who don't know I'm (as of next month) going to try and earn £10 a day for a year without massive out goings!! Check it out cash4nowt, there's not too much going on there at the mo because I'm giving myself about a month for research and setting the ball rolling.....
As for as recovering from injury goes I'm counting down the days to my next x ray, a week on Tuesday.. I hope it's good news and I can start some rehab. As for today's training I got to it this morning worked hard and built up a bit of a sweat... Sorry let myself down a little this evening by grabbing a take away pizza, oh well just have to work twice as hard tomorrow.
As for as recovering from injury goes I'm counting down the days to my next x ray, a week on Tuesday.. I hope it's good news and I can start some rehab. As for today's training I got to it this morning worked hard and built up a bit of a sweat... Sorry let myself down a little this evening by grabbing a take away pizza, oh well just have to work twice as hard tomorrow.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Wanna Buy A Car?
I've just come across a site selling a couple of motors, it's quite a humour es site so I thought I'd pass on the details, check it out let's see if we can get him a good deal, it sounds like he's had some bad experiences. I'd make him an offer if he carries on posting like that, unfortunately (for him) I don't need a car. It's near Cambridge U.K apparently.
I love my mygym.
I've just finished another session on the mygym and as per usual it performed fantastically. Now please don't get me wrong I'm not completely new to the art of working out, I know my way around a gym, and there is no substitute for free weights when it comes to changing the shape/appearance of your body but this little box of tricks should have a place in everyone's arsenal if they're wanting to improve fitness, loose body fat, or just general well being, ( not everyone works out to look like Arnie!!). That's right anybody old or young, veteran gym rat to newbie hard gainer, overweight or super toned, everyone can utilize it. It has several pro's over a gym in my humble opinion.
- You can't fit your gym in the back of your car and take it to your hotel whilst away on business.
- You don't need to pay someone £40 a month in subscription fees you can't cancel.
- You don't need to spend your valuable time traveling to and from your mygym.
- It will offer enough resistance for more serious trainers if used in conjunction with your normal wieght training program.
- It's small enough to stow under a bed when finished with.
I could go on but I think you get the point.
OK so I,m up bright and early ready for another day without work, (yawn), as far as the "looking to make extra cash" goes I've decided to sack that for this blog and just concentrate on getting in shape and recovering from the break. However fear not for I have started a separate blog solely for this purpose. why not check it out here? Enjoy!!
Back on to the good stuff, working out, today is a chest, back, and shoulders day and fortunately for me I don't have to treck half way across town to get my exercise fix. I'll try and upload a couple of videos so you can see the kit in action, you'll probably be quite suprised at the quality of workout you get from such a small piece of equipment.
Back on to the good stuff, working out, today is a chest, back, and shoulders day and fortunately for me I don't have to treck half way across town to get my exercise fix. I'll try and upload a couple of videos so you can see the kit in action, you'll probably be quite suprised at the quality of workout you get from such a small piece of equipment.
pay per post
As I said earlier on in the month I would look into any ways of making a little extra cash, even though the possibilities are pretty good for making huge amounts of money, these opportunities seem to be hard work and require a bit more computer know how than average people posses. I'm just looking at different ways to make easy money, for doing very little, I wont exclude any big money methods that I come across, but I'm going to concentrate on finding ways that normal everyday people like you and me can do it. During my search I have come across one website time and time again with nothing but rave reviews, http://www.payperpost.com/.
These people really do make making money online simple. All that is required is a quick sign in process, submit your blog and then start making money by writing reviews and posting it on your blog... Easy. Try it it's the way forward! I found out about them by reading Anthoney Jude Lawrences blog at http://www.anthonyjudelawerence.com/. Check this out he has some very good advice, tips, and links for making extra income, promoting your site etc. I will provide as much info on this as I get from these types of programs, and of course how much money I make. I'm pretty sure it wont be at all difficult with PayPerPost!!
Monday, 8 October 2007
My injuries

I thought, since I was writing this about trying to get in shape with an injury I should give a little background into the injury itself... Back in July I was attending a course that required a high level of fitness, throughout the course we had various tests to complete, one of these tests was climbing a 30ft rope... Easy I thought I've done this loads of times, however it had been raining heavily that morning, this was to cause me some slight drama's. I got to the top of the rope, a bit of a struggle but I got there, unfortunately for me I lost my grip at the top and fell. Resulting in a badly broken leg, (see pic). From this I spent three weeks in hospital, and I have been off work hopping about on my good foot, feeling sorry for myself, and getting rather porky ever since. It's close to three months since the accident and it'll probably take a good couple of months yet before I can start using anything other than home fitness kit. I'm having trouble uploading the x ray of picture but will post as soon as I sort it, as this shows the true extent of the damage.
Start of second week
Thanks to watching what I've been eating and working hard on the exercises, I've managed to get myself to 13 st 11.5 pounds and 17% body fat. I'm pleased with this after only one week considering I'm unable to do any cardio vascular work due to my broken leg. I'm convinced anybody out there can get themselves into shape using inexpensive home gym equipment, whether they are simply out of shape, on the road to recovery from an injury, or just want to maintain or improve thier fitness without the hassles and expense of going to a gym.
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Well another chest, Shoulder, back session today, feeling very sore now especially the abs. This will be the last workout of the week, so should be able to rest.. And check out and post some ideas for extra pennies. I think Sundays will be the day I review my weeks fitness progress, I'll be sure to keep you informed.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Can't train everyday!!
Because I can't train everyday (that would be very sad I do have something that resembles a life, and more importantly it can lead to over training and slow down progress), I will be looking at different ways to try and generate a little bit of extra cash... Who doesn't want that?... Didn't think so!!! I will be using sites such as PayPerPost . I will keep you updated on this too. Share and share alike.
What is a MyGym

For those of of you out there that have never heard of a MyGym they are often seen on infomercials on Sky tv. These companies offer to sell the home gym/ fitnes system for around £130, believe my there are plenty of retailers out there that can knock upto £100 of that price!! As I've previously mentioned I picked mine up for just over a fiver from Ebay. If you're serious about getting fit at home I would seriously consider checking out EBay for one of these. It's basically a small box not unlike a step up thingy, with various elasticated bands coming out of the sides and ends. It is in my opinion a fantastic piece of kit and I will be using it daily to regain fitness after breaking my leg. Watch this Blog for further details, Before and after pics, body fat % and various measurements.
Sorry I've not posted my routine for a couple of days had a few internet issues to sort out.
Wednesday's exercises were a duplicate of Mondays and Today's exercises were the same as Tuesdays. When I say I'm doing the same exercises this is true but I make sure I do the exercises in a different order. I'm doing this so each body part will be fresh at least once a week when I use my MyGym.
Wednesday's exercises were a duplicate of Mondays and Today's exercises were the same as Tuesdays. When I say I'm doing the same exercises this is true but I make sure I do the exercises in a different order. I'm doing this so each body part will be fresh at least once a week when I use my MyGym.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
What I've done so far
Well I decided to get myself up and running (not literally) and start my fitter by the day training on Monday and as I didn't start the Blog till yesterday I will quickly go over now what I did Monday & Tuesday before I do today's workout.
Back- Upright row.
Single arm row.
Pull over.
Chest- Chest press.
Single arm press.
Chest fly.
Shoulders- Shoulder press.
Upright row.
Lateral raise.
Arms- Overhead tricep extension.
French press.
Bench dip.
Bicep curl.
Hammer curl.
concentration curl.
Abs- V-strap crunch.
Oblique crunch.
All my exercises are done on a MyGym home gym, for now anyway. I will start incorporating various other training methods once my leg is better.
The MyGym allows me to exercise without bearing any weight on my broken leg, and if you move between the exercises with relative swiftness it easily allows you to have a fun quick workout that will tone muscles and burn fat.
By the way I bought my MyGym off EBay second hand and I am in no way affiliated with or represent the manufactures.
Back- Upright row.
Single arm row.
Pull over.
Chest- Chest press.
Single arm press.
Chest fly.
Shoulders- Shoulder press.
Upright row.
Lateral raise.
Arms- Overhead tricep extension.
French press.
Bench dip.
Bicep curl.
Hammer curl.
concentration curl.
Abs- V-strap crunch.
Oblique crunch.
All my exercises are done on a MyGym home gym, for now anyway. I will start incorporating various other training methods once my leg is better.
The MyGym allows me to exercise without bearing any weight on my broken leg, and if you move between the exercises with relative swiftness it easily allows you to have a fun quick workout that will tone muscles and burn fat.
By the way I bought my MyGym off EBay second hand and I am in no way affiliated with or represent the manufactures.
First post.
I used to be fairly fit and active until an accident left me with a broken leg and three months off my feet. I thought it would be impossible to remove the layers of fat built up by months of inactivity, until I purchased a MyGym system off EBay, this is a really good piece of kit and has inspired my to start training again... Even with a broken leg. I'm going to be publishing my progress here. Hopefully this will inspire other people to get up and get active.
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